Antelope Canyon Arizona Can Changes Colors

The Beauty of Antelope Canyon, a Unique Canyon Like a Painting From Nature 

      The United States in addition to having skyscrapers, is also decorated by beautiful natural scenery. Tourists get to know the Grand Canyon in Arizona, which is already popular and listed as one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. Read also: How to Apply for a Visa to the United States In fact, there are still many canyons that can be visited in the United States and are no less cool. Another canyon in Arizona is Antelope Canyon. Antelope Canyon can be an attractive tourist choice, especially if you like photography.
Beauty Antelope Canyon Changes Colors

Antelope Canyon is located in Arizona, United States of America. Antelope Canyon is in the area of ​​the canyon, or the confluence of two steep cliffs and is shaped like a valley. (Wikipedia) The area is formed from sandstone erosion by wind and water, as well as flash floods. Overall, the most beautiful tourist attractions in the world are processed naturally and form exotic faults of the earth.

Antelope Canyon is a unique tourist spot formed by wind and water eroding the Navajo Sandstone for a very long time.
The canyon area is included in the Navajo Indian Reservation complex or the largest shelter area for the Dine Indians from North America, commonly known as the Navajo or Navaho.

Antelope Canyon is a fissure in the earth that results from the erosion of Navajo sandstone by wind and water over thousands of years. In the monsoon season, rainwater will flow into the long basin located above the gorge crevice. The faster the flow of water, the grains of sand enter the narrow passages. The passageway was then eroded and deepened until it made the impression that it seemed to flow on the stone wall. The Navajos gave the names Upper Antelope Canyon or The Crack, and Lower Antelope Canyon or The Corkscrew to the cliffs and slopes.

What makes it unique is that it is beautifully painted in nature from the erosion of Navajo sandstone by wind and rain over thousands of years. Reportedly, this place was also formed due to flash floods that caused erosion or known as sub-aerial processes.

Locals also have their own name for Upper Antelope Canyon, namely 'Tse' bighanilini' which means where water flows through rocks. While the Lower Antelope Canyon is often called 'Hasdestwazi' which means spiral rock. The sun's rays made the vertical walls of Antelope Canyon change color.

The resulting colors are orange and red on the walls of the canyon. In summer, we can see the rays of the sun seep through the cracks and form a beam of sunlight in the dimly lit sandstone alley.

The changing colors have become the main attraction for tourists. In the summer, tourists can see the rays of the sun coming through the cracks and forming a beauty in the middle of the sandstone alley. Locals used to call this 'A God Speaking From on High'.
The Beauty of Antelope Canyo

Access to Antelope Canyon is easy if you use a car. If you are from Las Vegas, it will take you about 4 hours 30 minutes to get there. There are various activities to do here such as hiking and camping.
The recommended time to enjoy the beauty of Antelope Canyon is summer, because the sun's rays will penetrate the cliffs.

Lower Antelope Canyon
Antelope Canyon, called the Hazdistazi, or "spiral rock arch" by the Navajo Indians, lies several miles away. Before there was an iron ladder installed, to visit this valley it was necessary to climb with a makeshift ladder. Even after the ladder installation, climbing becomes more difficult than in Upper Antelope. It's longer and narrower, and even footing isn't available in all areas. In the end, the climb out required several jumps from the stairs.

Although more difficult, Lower Antelope Canyon attracts most photographers because of the views, although there are far fewer tourists here than Upper Antelope.

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