Mendenhall Ice Caves, Natural Wonders of Alaska

Natural Wonders in Alaska, Enchantment of the Mendenhall Ice Caves

      Traveling is not just visiting popular destinations such as London, New York, Paris or Rome. On some occasions, you'll have to explore further by stopping by a row of anonymous names.
Alaska is one of the states of the United States of America. This area is filled with surprises in the form of unique and stunning landscapes. One of the tourist destinations that attracts the most attention from world tourists is the Mendenhall Ice Cave.

Mendenhall Ice Caves Alaska

The Mendenhall Ice Cave is located in the City of Juneau, Southeast Alaska, United States of America.
This cave is filled with ice on the walls which is of course the attraction.
The Mendenhall Glacier is also used as a conservation area, named Mendenhall Glacier Recreation Area. (atlasobscura.com)

Mendenhall Ice Cave is one of the amazing natural phenomena that you can find in Alaska, United States. These ice caves are part of the Mendenhall Glacier. The entire glacier covers an area of 19 km. It is in the Mendenhall Valley near the city of Juneau, southeastern Alaska. This glacier is a conservation area which is included in the Mendenhall Glacier Recreation Area and Tongass National Forest. Mendenhall Glacier is also known by the names Sitaantaagu which means 'glacier behind the city' or Aak'wtaaksit which means 'glacier behind a small lake'.

Usually, the atmosphere of the cave is dark, but it's different from this ice cave. The Mendenhall ice cave emitted a beautiful light. The glowing walls of the cave looked like blue stained glass. The rocks in it also emit a bluish color. Inside this ice cave, there is a waterfall that flows from the top of the cave ceiling. The more it adds to the beauty of the cave.

Behind the vastness of the Mendenhall Glacier is an ice cave that is very large and beautiful. It is accessible by boat. If you want to see the Mendenhall Ice Cave for yourself, you must climb the glacier hill first, because this ice cave is located under the Mendenhall glacier.

Actually, this cave is a glacier which is a large chunk of ice that formed above the ground surface and occurred in a very long time. The glacier is about 12 miles or 22 km long!

Mendenhall Ice Caves

The scenery inside is very beautiful, as if you are in another realm. Inside the cave you can witness various forms of the water cycle at the same time. You can see the beautiful water flowing above the ceiling, which looks like a tunnel of blue glass, bluish ice cubes, and a small beautiful waterfall. You'll definitely feel like you're in a marine garden aquarium.

This cave is often visited by tourists. Tourists who will see the beauty of this ice cave must first climb Mendenhall glacier. The glacier is 19 km long. When climbing, don't forget to wear warm clothes, because the temperature in this ice cave can reach 0 degrees.

Unfortunately, this ice cave is increasingly being threatened due to the effects of global warming. The increase in temperature causes the cave which is composed of this ice sheet to slowly melt.

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